What the hell is going on here?
Exploring the underlying feelings that are rarely expressed openly and are sometimes contrary to the prevailing atmosphere. I took that straight from the definition of undercurrent - but it perfectly describes how I’m feeling. A practice in expression. Sharing the things I find myself not sharing. I’ll be sharing whatever clicks for me and what I hope clicks for you. No plan, no agenda - I’ll share what I think is worth sharing and I’ll do my best to not overthink it.
Some quick housekeeping:
The last time I wrote publicly was during my hike from Mexico to Canada on the Pacific Crest Trail. If you read along, I thank you for being a part of it, and I appreciate the support I received from you. I’d love to keep you around. Underourfeet.com will stay put - It’s easier kept as a time capsule.
Since then, there have been many chapters of my life, and I wish I had written about them. Sharing my experience brings me joy, it helps me process, and it helps me share the things that we may not get around to catching up on, I’d love to continue doing that. So here we are.
If you’d like to stay up to date, you can sign up for the newsletter, or you can bookmark the site. Idk if I should have an Instagram and all that shit but we’ll get there eventually.
While this new endeavor will be less specific to start, it’ll shape out over time. I’ll be writing about what’s happening in my head. What it’s like to live alone, how it feels to move to a new city, what it’s like to lose friends and make new ones, and whatever I feel like writing about.
I realized that one of the many reasons I wasn’t writing publicly was because I didn’t have a place for it to live. Having a pacific crest trail blog and newsletter was very straightforward, I had a topic to write about, a place to write, and an audience to speak to. When that was over, I wasn’t sure how to transform it. They say “pick a niche, get rich“, and well frankly, I’m not writing to get rich.
The reality is - I don’t have it all mapped out, the goal is to open the page and write about what comes up - to say the things we’d say to each other in a dimly lit bar, or by the fire, or on the subway. A sketchbook, a mixtape, a journal. That’s it. And I hope it helps you. —Sterling Montes